Thursday 15 May 2014

Pregnancy Diary - First Trimester

So I found out today that I'm pregnant for definite!! You see, yesterday I did a test DPO 10 and thought I could see a line. Husband and my mum could also just about see the line too, but I didn't want to get my hopes up after hearing about "Evaporation lines". So I did a different test to the one I used yesterday and I got my BFP!
I knew it would be this month! I didn't obsess about it, I had a drink on a weekend and I even stopped taking my pre-pregnancy tablets because it made my cycle longer, causing me to get my hopes up! And the obvious reason I knew it would be this month is that I wasn't particularly keen on having a baby so near our wedding anniversary, Christmas and New Year but obviously it was just meant to be! So now we will be having a Christmas baby and we are so, so, so happy!

Month 1
So even though I know I'm only 2 weeks pregnant right at this minute, I'm still classed as 4 weeks. I haven't had any symptoms that would make me think that I'm pregnant, (which is good because I've got to keep it a secret for ages yet!) except the tiredness. I'm tired all the time. Not exhausted, yet! But yawning every ten minutes tired! And another annoying thing, my belly is sticking out. Not because of obvious reasons but because I'm bloated, can't stop eating and it just feels weird to suck my belly in anymore! I mean, it's probably the best reason going to have a bit of a belly but this early I just look like I've put a bit of weight on, and it will probably stay like that until month 4!
So the next step is to make a doctors appointment!

Month 2
So we are heading into the second month this week. One of my doctors is on annual leave so it's nearly impossible to make an appointment. And because it's just been the Easter bank holiday doesn't help either!
So what's new...? Drinking tea makes me feel sick. I'm not a massive tea drinker anyway, unlike my husband, but now it actually makes me feel ill. I'm bloated all the time, and I think that Easter weekend has helped with the increasing size of my stomach! But the worse thing is the twinges. It's not that they're really painful, it's that they worry the hell out of me! I'm aware that my body is going through a lot of changes and is stretching and all that, I'm just worried about my pip.
5 weeks and 5 days- The cramps have eased off, I only get a little twinge every now and again so I'm feeling relieved with that. Feeling slightly sick after meals but not been sick yet, I have a feeling that it isn't long off though! Only real symptom I'm having is tiredness, but it's mostly yawning all day every day that is hard to hide from everyone. I'm finding myself making up daft excuses for being so tired!
First midwife appointment tomorrow, thought I would never get one...
was phoning for nearly a week for a doctors appointment (ridiculous I know!) anyway, I ended up telling the receptionist why I needed to see the doctor. She told me that I don't need to see the doctor for being pregnant and that I have to phone the midwife and hospital and sort it all out myself? When I had Max I saw the doctor and he referred me to the hospital and I had to make an appointment with the midwife myself. So... I phoned the hospital and they told me that the doctor has to refer me. I phoned the doctors back and the receptionist said that the hospital was wrong?! Whilst conferring with fellow receptionists about my situation! *sighs* So I left the hospital for now because I'm only a few weeks anyways and it can wait I suppose. So I phoned up to make an appointment with the midwife, all going ok until the receptionist asks how far are you now? And I say 5 weeks and she says, and you need an appointment?! Arrrrrgh! Yes I do, my doctors told me to make one- is all I could say whilst trying not to bite her head off down the phone.
I mean, what's it got to do with the receptionists anyway? Why all the questions and opinions? *And breathe* 
So yes, I have my first MW appointment tomorrow and I can't wait. I'm aware that she probably won't be able to say much but she can give me answers to how I get referred to the hospital, well I hope so anyway!
So I went to the MW appointment today. Couldn't do much for me, but she did give me the right number for making an appointment! So now I've got to wait until the 16th of May (2 weeks tomorrow) to see the MW at the clinic and she will arrange for my dating scan and give me more information. I feel like it's loads different since I was pregnant with Max. In other news feeling more sick today, but just managed to polish off 2 gingerbread men! And I don't feel pregnant (apart from tired and sick), it's strange isn't it until you have your first scan and see your little pip swimming around in there? I did another test, not to confirm it really just because I had one left and thought why not? Bit more positive than the last one don't you think?

6 weeks 1 day- this nausea is awful. Had to get several buses today whilst working and was so close to being sick on the person in front of me! Bleugh! It's definitely getting stronger. On another note I really fancy some roast chicken. All the time. Since yesterday. Craving? I'm not sure.
6 weeks 2 days- I got my chicken today, was delicious! Not sure if it is a craving or if I just fancy it to be honest. Oh and another thing, really thought I was going to be sick this morning even more than yesterday. It's definitely on it's way!
6 weeks 3 days- Nearly ate a whole packet of ginger biscuits on the way to Southport today. I thought nausea couldn't get any worse without being sick until today! Nevertheless it didn't stop me having a wonderful day out with the hubby and M. But it did make me tired so I had my first midday nap of the pregnancy! Woke up feeling a little like I had a hangover, a bit sickly.
Also I cried for no reason, on 2 seperate occasions. And the second time I ended up laughing hysterically because I sniffed a tear up my nose!!! Crazy hormones! 
6 weeks 4 days- feeling sick lying in bed and it's 11pm. Still not been sick yet though. Managed to have a nap with M today, which was quite nice too. Nothing else to report for today!
M just melted my heart! He gave me a hug and said that it was a hug for pip. So I said aww go on then, and he hugged my stomach and said I love you! It's just amazing little things like this I am really looking forward to.
Week 7- pip is approximately the size of a blueberry, how cute?! 
7 week 1 day- I was sick in an envelope on a short car journey today. I do not miss this part of pregnancy! Hmph! Bought some anti-sickness bands from Superdrug whilst out. I'm not sure whether they work? I wasn't sick in the car journey back but felt sick, so I'm not sure whether they helped?
Anybody else ever used these?
7weeks 3days- I used my anti-sickness bands yesterday. I wasn't sick, but I was only in the car a short amount of time. I sort of felt sick but more of my stomach is empty kind of sick? Anyway, I wore them all day and they left awful marks ok my wrists! So today I didn't bother with them because I didn't go out anywhere and although I felt nauseous every now and again I wasn't actually sick. (I apologise for the amount of times I've written sick as well by the way!)
Looking forward to out midwife appointment on Friday. Even the hubby said he's excited to go because it kind of makes it official/ real. I'm not entirely sure what goes on in these appointments, I can't remember from when I had M! And there wasn't much information given in the letter I received with the appointment details, only a leaflet about tests? So maybe it will involve blood tests? I remember them taking a lot of my blood last time! I do know that they will book me in for my first scan! Eeeep! I can't tell you how excited I am to see little pip swimming around in there, still doesn't feel real!
I've also been having some weird dreams lately. One where I started to breast feed M! I woke up in a panic! I never breast fed M when he was born because I never produced milk straight away so I thought I wasn't working, the MW failed to tell me that if I put M on me he would bring the milk out. Anyway, I think it was something to do with that and maybe I'm wandering whether to BF pip? I'm undecided yet because I've not thought a lot about it and there's loads of time to go before i need to start thinking about it. Off to sleep now, hopefully no strange dreams! 
6weeks 6days- Had the worst sleep last night ever!!! Hubby had to go back on nights, which I didn't like but it never stopped me from sleeping. I fell asleep at about half 12 but woke up at half 2 and no matter what I couldn't get back to sleep! Managed to fall back asleep after half past 5! *Extreme sad face!
I knew I would be sick this morning. I feel sick when I've not had enough sleep, so add that to the mornin sickness I get and ta-da!
Also I'm concerned that I've got a UTI (Water infection). I don't think I've been drinking as much as I need to and I don't think I'm needing the toilet as often as I should be. And you know when you can just feel it?! Well I have the MW tomorrow, eeeek! Exciting stuff! I'm sure she will do a urine sample as UTI's are quite common in pregnancy, so we will see then.
8 weeks- had my MW appointment today to book in at the hospital. The MW who I saw was very nice and very informative. Had my bloods taken and urine sample done. I have got a UTI (I knew anyways!) but I've got to phone back up on Monday to see how bad it is and if I need antibiotics. Estimated due date is 26th December - Boxing Day, until I have my scan on 19th June, then I'll find out how far I really am. So was a good day for me and hubby, and we've come home with lots of information and the mum-to-be bounty pack with some little samples.
8weeks 1day- sickness is getting worse. Was sick twice today... So far! It's a really hot day aswell so the heat isn't helping, but it's so nice to have a sunny day instead of a miserable drizzly one! 
8weeks 3days- had a lovely weekend. I've found if I eat Weetabix biscuits (Apple and cinnamon) as soon as I get up, it takes the nausea away. Also I'm avoiding hot drinks until the nausea had gone, whereas I used to have a decaf coffee as soon as I got up. Drinking loads more water, not just because the weather is hot but to try and kick the UTI out the way. Speaking of that, I phoned up and it's not infected, but the receptionist is going to ask the nurse if any further action needs to be taken and then she's going to phone me back. I feel like it's better, so drinking lots of fluids is definitely helping I think. I have a little lower back pain but that is probably just a typical pregnancy symptom anyway!
It's funny how I complain about the nausea when I have it, but now that it's not here as much it's worrying me a little, just because I had it so badly with M. Can't win either way!
8weeks 4days- I didn't feel pregnant today. No nausea when I woke up. No nausea on the bus. And then it hit me at dinner time because I didn't eat any lunch. I know that's naughty. I need to eat! I just wasn't hungry until I got home. And then that made me feel a bit sick, so I felt pregnant again. I'm just worrying about little pip now, I really want to have the scan to make sure everything is ok. I feel like I'm being really silly feeling this way but I know it's normal. Currently in bed watching a film at 9pm because I feel rubbish, headachey etc.
8weeks 6days- Just sat eating my breakfast biscuits, feeling a bit nauseous. Had the strangest dream ever last night! Oh my goodness!! I think I even cried in my sleep! Basically, I was in labour and I couldn't push the baby out, so the doctor transferred the baby over to Nick for him to give birth too! I was crying because I felt like a failure and I wasn't allowed to stay with Nick while he had our baby! Also the baby was a boy in my dream. Just one of the strangest dreams that I have ever had in my whole life!! I can't wait until Nick wakes up so I can tell him all about it.
In other news, I'll be starting the 3rd month tomorrow, so I'm nearly out of the 'danger zone'. I can't wait to get out of the third trimester, as every parent knows it can be quite scary, and the earlier you find out the longer it takes! I can't believe I've known for 5 weeks already though! 

Month 3
9weeks- awful last night, I had a dream that I lost the baby. Just scared me and really upset me. It didn't feel real like some dreams do, I think I mustn't have been in a deep sleep. Still upsetting though. Apart from that I'm happy I'm I'm week 9. Only 4 weeks until I'm out of the initial danger zone. Was sick this morning. I ran out of breakfast biscuits and asked my mum to bring some plain biscuits round for me. They weren't very fresh so they knocked me sick! Oooops! Ate some Bourbon biscuits and felt ok though. Been to town today and it's completely taken it out of me, and I have work in a couple of hours, super sad face... I want my bed!
9weeks 2days- incredibly emotional today! Cried 3 different times and it's 7.30pm now. Been tidying the whole house trying to get M into a bigger room so that he doesn't feel like he has to move rooms because of the baby when the baby's old enough to be in their own room. Plus if we have another boy we will probably let them share rooms, so a bigger room is more ideal! So I think that all the hard work has took it out of me and that's why I'm crying and want to cry  a lot! Eeeeep!
9weeks 4days- I'm tired today and a bit hungrier but not much else. Was comparing this pregnancy so far to what I was like at the beginning of my pregnancy with M. It was about this stage when I had to be hospitalised because I was so sick and couldn't stop being sick! I couldn't travel very far on any kind of transport. This pregnancy is so different from my last, in the way I'm most definitely not as sick. So I'm happy about that as I was kind of dreading the all day every day bleugh! Apart from that I can't really remember much as I didn't document it the way I am this time.
My stomach I getting a bit fatter, not in a bump sort of way yet, just all around! I think the rest of me has stayed pretty much the same. I know I'm going to be HUGE though! I was a hippo with M and apparently you get bigger with your second?!
Have I mentioned I've gone off cheese? It's so sad! I loooooove cheese! I eat cheese every day but now the thought of it even makes me feel nauseous. I can't wait to eat cheese again. When I was pregnant with M I ate wotsits all the time, another little difference.
9weeks 5days- spoke too soon. Thrown up twice today. Feel awful too! Pffft!
10weeks 2days- not long until 12 weeks now, still got to wait 2 and a half weeks for our scan but it's exciting. I can't wait to here pips heartbeat too.
10weeks 5days- In bed all day. Thank fully Max was already on a planned day out with my mum. Couldn't keep anything down. I'm not complaining because I'm greatful that I'm not as ill as I was with Max but nobody enjoys it do they!
10weeks 6days- had my risk assessment done for work today. Nothing exciting really. There's a few risks that are just minimal. Mostly just need documenting for health and safety reasons. Apart from that just the usual nausea and headaches. Oh and I could definitely swear I've felt pip moving today and previously this week? 11 weeks tomorrow eeeeep!

12 weeks 2days- so ill last night! Had a migraine which made me incredibly sick. I thought it was meant to get better... until I woke up this morning and had to dash to the loo! Hoping I get better ASAP because we're meant to be going out for a Father's Day meal today! I am looking forward to the scan on Thursday, I think it will finally sink in more!

I forgot how good kiddicare was and couldn't help myself buying a couple of goodies for pip! I'm banning myself from the website until I'm 12 weeks at least!

Scan - 12 weeks and 5 days. New EDD- 27/12/14 All is ok with our gorgeous little pip. Can't wait until august to find out what we are having! Here's a little picture..... 

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