Tuesday 18 March 2014

A Day In The Life Of Me

This is my usual routine on a Tuesday. How does your routine compare?

8am I go into Max’s room and say good morning and we have a good morning hug (this happens every morning) and then Max says come on let’s go down! (This happens every morning also!)
8.30am We have breakfast, Max has weetabix and a banana or grapes afterwards. I just have toast. We sit on the couch and watch children’s tv shows.
9am After breakfast I usually drink my cup of tea whilst Max plays with his toys, normally his potato head or sometimes he pretends to be a cowboy and goes yeehaa-ing around on his horse.
10am We get dressed. Normally a fight with Max because whatever he is playing with is far more important!
11am We play together or we get the craft box out and do some painting. Max’s favourite is to paint his hands and feet and make hand and footprints. We also like to bake cakes or cookies if we’ve got the ingredients in.
12noon We get the bus into town to have a look around shops and grab some lunch before playgroup. Max enjoys “old McDonald’s” (what he calls it) but it’s a rare treat.
1:15pm Playgroup- I chat with the other mums while Max runs wild! We do some sort of craft, play and have a snack.
2:45pm Home time. Nick comes to pick us up from town and we tell him about our day. Max is usually cranky because he hasn’t had a nap yet.
3pm Max has a nap while me and Nick have a cup of tea and a chat about work, my day, what we are having for dinner, etc.
4pm Max and Nick play together while I cook dinner. Normally boys play e.g. play fighting & cars. It’s important for them to spend time together when they get the chance, with Nick working nights.
5pm We have dinner. Max normally messes about with his food! (Is it just my 2 year old?!) And we always have afters, whether it’s cake, biscuits or just chocolate!
6:30pm Me, Nick and Max snuggle up on the couch for snuggle buddies time!
7pm Nick goes to work. Max has his bath, splash time fun!
7.30pm Me and Max snuggle up on the couch and have bedtime story time. Max loves books so much so that he has too many! He usually chooses one himself, he hasn’t got a favourite yet that I know of.
8pm Max is in bed. He goes to bed even if he hasn’t fallen asleep during his story. I leave the bathroom light on for him and check on him a few times before I go to bed. Then it’s radio on and get cracking with the cleaning for me.
9:30pm Shower or bath depending on the day I’ve had! It’s nice to have a relaxing half hour before bed to wind down, as every mum knows!
10pm Then its bedtime for me. Read a few pages and then lights out!

For more routines and much more visit- The L's mum blog http://wp.me/p4n5Gp-6N 

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