28weeks 5days- today I had my MW appointment to measured again because I was measuring 2 weeks big last time. I measured 29 weeks today. Obviously means I'm more on track since I'll be 29 weeks in 2 days! But the thing that concerns me is it was a different MW measuring me from 2 weeks ago, so it's not a consistent measurement, which is basically what she said to me, all MW's measure differently! I told her my concerns and she showed me the centile that the baby is on and it's just between the 50th and 90th, so approximately 75th. She also said that the baby will probably be bigger than Max was! I'm so scared!!
Also she said that baby's head was up near my left rib, but when I came out her bum was sticking right out into my right ribs where she normally is! She must have wiggled all the way around. Next appointment is in 3 weeks, as even though I wasn't measuring too big she wants to monitor me.
31weeks 3days- I've not wrote in a while. Mainly because there hasn't really been anythin interesting to update! My ever expanding tum is still on the rise, although it does seem to be settling and looking a little less over huge for the week that I am (if that makes sense?!), but I'm yet to be measured again on Thursday (in 2 days) so I'll see what the MW says then! I've had increased pressure 'down there' like she's possibly moving down and getting ready but that's not concerning me either. I'm still scared about labour but I'm not as bad, I suppose I have to do it so I may as well not stress about it!
Her movements are still frequent and huge!! But all is ok for now, hope to blog with some good news that I'm measuring normal soon....!
33 weeks 1 day- So a lot has gone on since I blogged last! Baby measured ahead again so went for a scan, the baby is measuring a little bigger than average and I'm carrying excess water. I've got to have a gestational diabetes test and a torch screening (?) at 33 weeks 6 days.
Spoke to my midwife and she said she will see me after the tests and arrange an appointment with a consultant to induce me early.
Been losing plug a little and going to the toilet a lot recently. I'm really hungry and tired but want to get all the cleaning done! Will blog again next week when I've had the tests and know the results!
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