So my husband and my mum had not long left me at the hospital. I'd already had the gel and was experiencing a little bit of cramps which were to be expected, nothing too bad, but the midwife recommended I get a bath to help relax me. During the bath, I had a pain go from my back to my stomach. It shocked me a little and I decided to get out of the bath. Got my pyjamas on and got into bed, felt relaxed with a few pains every now and again, but still I continued to read my magazines and text my hubby who was at the pub!
Just before I was going to go to sleep I decided to ring for the midwife to ask for a paracetamol, just to ease these small pains so I could try and get a decent sleep!
The midwife was quite rude and said that she would check me over and then get me the paracetamol although nothing would be happening of course!
She checked me, I saw blood and she said she was going to see if there was a bed on the labour ward and just left me how I was!
Another midwife came in and said you wouldnt think you was 4cm dialated! I didn't bloody know! I phoned hubby, who luckily only had one pint! And phoned my mum, so they could come up to me!
So it had started! I was a mixture of emotions. I was doing really well without any pain relief at first and then decided to use the gas and air. Bouncing on the birthing ball and laughing a little too much!
Then things got a little messy! They broke my waters (hubby went out for that bit), my mum said there was a lot of water and they went all over the poor surgeon, I did manage to apologise though!
I was put onto a drip to intensify and make my contractions come quicker. That was quite a bit more painful and I decided that the epidural might be the best option at this point.... my biggest mistake ever!!
The surgeon failed to put the epidural in 7 times! And I still have the marks up my back to prove it! My body did go into shock and I was a bit sick.
I then decided that diamorphine was going to have to be my saviour, and my goodness it was!
I did complain about the surgeon because as she was leaving she said it was the end if her shift and she was just having one of those days! The cheek of the woman!!
Anyway, I was now sleepin inbetween contractions and I felt incredibly relaxed. Sent hubby to get me some strawberry water from the shop down stairs and the midwife nipped outside. It was just me and my mum in the room, "Kate are you pushing?" "Don't push no one is here!"
I was on my knees leaning on the back of the bed and I was indeed having a little bit of a push until my mum had found me out an brought to my attention that Nick actually wasn't in the room!
Both hubby and the midwife came back into the room and my mum told them I was pushing. The midwife checked me and said she was going to get a baby catcher. I genuinely remember thinking that he was going to get a net to catch my baby in!
The diamorphine had worn off and the midwife took the gas and air off me and half an hour of pushing and baby Max was born! That was by far the best part of my labour!
All in all I was in labour for about 11 hours. Although some of my labour wasn't pleasant most of it was an incredible experience and I hope that my next baby is brought into the world in a way just like it!
Thank you for reading about my labour experience, I hope I haven't put anybody off! But if it was that bad I wouldn't be pregnant with my second now, would I?
Look out for guest bloggers sharing their experiences on my blog soon....
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